Map Ranking

The Fluffy Ducks

Tribe name:The Fluffy Ducks
Number of members:6
Points of the best 20 players162.574
Total points:162.574
Average points:27.096
Opponents defeated: 1.275.280 (21.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Clau.mar 1 102,520 70 18
stewartc6661 2 19,217 166 5
SwordNukesOnly 3 15,640 174 6
aaronmc 4 14,757 180 9
PWSmith 5 5,776 241 3
PilzzzzL 6 4,664 257 2
|FD| was founded by SwordNukesOnly. If you have questions please contact SwordNukesOnly or aaronmc